What Motivates You?
by Journey to Health Program Director, Becky Anderson
Everyone has their “why.” What is yours? Why do you want to be healthier? Why do you want to lose weight? NOBODY can tell you what your “why” is, but it’s very important for you to understand what it is for you.
Over 20 years in this line of work, some of the best sources of motivation I have heard are:
- want to be a better role model for your children.
- be able to get on the floor and play with your grandchildren
- sick and tired of being sick and tired
- get off of some of the meds that have horrible side effects
- not have to start on meds to control x, y, or z because of rumored side effects
- fit in a certain size dress for a wedding
- to be able to conceive a baby
- look my best for family vacation on the beach
For me, I will share my “why.” I lost my mom when I was 18 to complications of diabetes. She was 60-years-old. I now have 7 kids ranging from ages 9 to 30 (no grandkids yet, but I’m hoping soon). I want to be a role model for my family, I want to stay active and healthy so I don’t leave any of my kids at a young age, and I want to be the “fun grandma.” I have a strong family history of diabetes, but I know what I can do to hold off on that diagnosis as long as possible. That is my “why.” What’s yours?